Friday, April 1, 2011

big changes + rose gold love

Hi all. I know its been a disgraceful long time since i last contributed to my blog but I actually have a somewhat good reason for my absence. Recently I scored a position at Prouds the Jewellers as a new 3IC. Its been an interesting few weeks. There's a lot more to working with jewellery than I thought. But for once in my life I can actually say that I've found a job (that isn't a volunteer position) that actually feels like my calling. Working at Prouds so far has been really rewarding. I can defiantly see myself working in the jewellery industry for a very long time.

Working at Prouds has opened up a new passion to me. I'm starting to understand jewellery a lot better than I used to and can really see the differences between quality and poorly made. I've also discovered my love for rose gold jewellery-

Rose gold is really an acquired taste. Sometimes rose gold can appear brassy, but i find that some rose gold pieces can be really lovely and is a nice feminine alternative to other golds (yellow and white). I'm thinking about investing in a rose gold belcher chain bracelet. Its a tad more pricey than regular gold, which doesn't help my goal in saving for America in February.

I also really love this rose gold bracelet by Juicy Couture and is really considering to purchase it. I'm pretty sure it isn't real gold and is only rose gold plated, but I still think its lovely none the less.

What's your opinion on rose gold? Am I the only one who sees its appeal?



  1. After reading your post I can see the appeal in rose gold :} It has such a pretty pinky tinge to it! But its all probably so expensive... Hahah

  2. i love the pink tinge! and its VERY expensive. I saw a belcher bracelet i liked... and it was $1400!! arrrghhh!! *sigh*

  3. Lovely lovely jewelry. I'm a big fan of rose gold. What is the source for the ring photo at the top please?
